Resources for educators

Bring project Happyvism to your classroom or learning space with lesson plans, read alouds, and more.


Happyvism read aloud

Hear a read aloud of Happyvism with authors Ryan Parker and Justis Lopez. Embedded throughout the video are opportunities for pause and reflection questions to engage readers and more.


Lesson plans


Lesson title: What makes you happy?

Young boy smiling 3.jpg


Learners will be able to:

  • Describe 3 personal characteristics and physical attributes that they love most about themselves. 

  • Use 3 context clues to analyze visual art and draw conclusions about the author’s message of a text. 

  • Collaboratively create a Joy anthem that positively celebrates identity (racial/cultural/linguistic/gender expression/orientation/mental & physical ability)  through music, metacognition, and social/emotional expression. 

Lesson title: Coming soon



Coming soon.

Lesson title: Coming soon



Coming soon.

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